1. Children might practice handwriting along with reading on days they do not have homework.
2. Hire a tututor if your childs' handwriting is particularly bad and you have not been able to solve this problem.
3. Review anything your child writes and have him rewrite it if it is not as neeat as you think it should be.
4. Using line paper is useful to improve the neatness of the handwriting.
5. Writing something for your child and have them imitate the hand writing. This is called "Modeling" or demonstrating the behavior.
6. Make sure the writing instuments are sharp or use a pen. Erasable pens are usful in training since you can erase one word or letter and have them rewrite it.
7. Have your child make the weekly grocery list and encourage or prompt him to write neatly so that everyone can read it while shopping.
8. Children in lower grades should be encourage to do there writing homework neatly so that later it does not become an issue.
9. Have your child assist in filling out forms at docters or other forms in order to practice neat handwriting.
Finally, remember to follow any training with the kind of praise, or activity reward that your child likes! The reinforcement will help him to learn to write more neatly and also result in the child writing more neatl in the future!