1. One idea is to reward your children for working or playing with no tantrum or behavior problems. For example, if they are playing a game give social praise or a snack only on days they work together or play nicely!
2. Practice giving the something and telling them they can have that item (such as a cookie) only if they share it with their siblings.
3. Encourage children to take turns playing with a toy when they both want to play with it. You might even suggest they discuss it and come to some agreement about the use of the toy.
4. Purchase stories that include the theme of sharing or teamwork and discuss the story after reading it together.
5. Point out to your children when other people display team or sharing skills. For example, if someone picks up something that someone drops compliment the action by saying " wow what a gentleman he helped that woman!"
6. In the evening roleplay and discuss how people work together or play together at school or in the community.
7. Play alot of games with your children and focus on good sportsmanship, complimenting each other on playing skills, taking turns, talking nicely to each other and manners. Praise these skills when the occur during the game!
Developing these social skills of teamwork and sharing will probalby lead to many happy experiences when your child is with another person or a group and a happier life!